Add fibres to your diet
Whatever you eat, make sure you have enough fibre in your meal.
Eg. a good quantity of salad in every meal, use cornflour or whole wheat flour if you consume bread/roti, and replace white rice with brown rice.
Consume ample vegetables
Especially if you don’t get time to exercise, eat plenty of vegetables — As a result, you will feel light, energetic & overall healthy.
Proper PROTEIN intake
In my experience, people often struggle to get sufficient protein in their bodies. As a consequence, they end up eating excessive carbohydrates (such as roti/bread, rice etc.) which get stored as fats in their body. Taking care of your protein intake can not only keep you energized but also strong & in shape.
Dinner 2–3 hours before sleep
Sleeping just after having dinner (or a heavy dinner) can lead to sleep where your body needs to work a lot to digest the food. Hence, you will end up sleeping more than required which sometimes further leads to a lazy day. Keeping a few hours of gap between your dinner time & bedtime can grant you good uninterrupted sleep & also keep digestion in place.
Walk if you cannot exercise
You cannot avoid physical movement. Just cannot. If you don’t have time, walk at least 3+ km (~5k+ steps) per day in your daily routine.
Some tips: Use stairs, walk to work, work standing, walk to shop, walk to walk etc.
Do you feel physically fit & healthy?
Take care! 🙂
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