To live a healthy lifestyle, it’s essential to understand what actually prevents us from becoming healthy. Otherwise, we end up struggling while thinking about why we have not become fit.
Here are a few major aspects to look at:
Easy access to food → Junk food
With the evolution of technology and the search for comfort, we live in a society where food is everywhere.
Easy access is what often leads to increased consumption. When these foods are readily available in vending machines, convenience stores, and fast-food outlets, individuals are more likely to choose them over healthier alternatives, contributing to the overconsumption of unhealthy ingredients. You may think, unhealthy? Of course, we all know how much time it takes to prepare any dish, even the simple one, so imagine how the shops or restaurants can serve numerous people in such a short time.
And as we crave comfort, we end up making impulsive choices, simply driven by convenience & accessibility. Then, easy access to schools, recreational facilities, and neighbourhood stores can contribute to the development of poor dietary habits from a young age, potentially leading to long-term health issues.
The widespread availability of junk food can influence cultural norms and eating behaviours. When unhealthy options are prevalent, they can become normalized within a society, making it challenging for individuals to make healthier choices, even when they are aware of the potential health risks. The easy access to calorie-dense, nutrient-poor junk food is a significant contributor to the obesity epidemic. Individuals may consume excessive calories without obtaining the essential nutrients needed for proper health, leading to weight gain and associated health problems.
Misconceptions about basic fitness
Weight management
You know, many people think quick fixes and extreme diets are the way to go. But here’s the deal — rapid weight loss doesn’t always mean success. We’re all about gradual and sustainable changes, the same as everything in nature.
And, oh, the appearance obsession!
Basic fitness has nothing to do with looks; it’s about feeling good too. Plus, being heavy doesn’t always mean being unhealthy. Weight is tricky — it includes muscles, fats, and more. A skinny person might not be the healthiest, and a heavier one could be totally fine.
Then, there’s this idea floating around that certain foods or whole groups should be kicked out. But the truth is, balance is key. You don’t want to mess up your nutrition.
Definition of basic health
Nowadays, there’s a common misconception when it comes to basic fitness. It’s not only about slim physique or being super flexible; it’s about enabling your body to function effectively. Picture this: people struggling to complete a mere kilometre run or finding it tough to climb a few flights of stairs.
Another scenario these days — is individuals hesitant to tackle stairs, claiming “they don’t feel like doing it.” This highlights a larger issue; a lack of physical support in their bodies, because let’s not forget, our thoughts are also driven by our capacity.
However, we must understand that basic fitness isn’t solely about realizing our body’s potential. It’s also about embracing life’s joys. It’s about being able to climb mountains and spending leisurely hours in the forest without being out of breath. Investing in basic fitness isn’t just about health; it’s about seizing life’s experiences.
The impact on Indian Thali
Traditional Indian diets are known for their variety, incorporating different grains, vegetables, and legumes. However, modern lifestyles often result in less diverse eating patterns, leading to potential nutritional deficiencies and an increased risk of chronic diseases.
To know more, check this article — Rethinking Indian Thali for a Healthier Lifestyle
If you read this far, I hope this article gave you some perspective to reflect on your lifestyle. Being healthy is an outlook, it’s about taking care of those small choices in our everyday life.
I would be happy to know your thoughts in the comments. If you need any help starting or pushing your health journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me on LinkedIn.
Keep calm and stay healthy!
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